NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Does anyone know how much it costs to buy a carton of Marlboro Ultra Lights in Nassau? How much for a single pack? Basically what I'm getting to, is would it be cheaper to bring them in our luggage or just wait and buy them when we get there? Thanks More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
It is cheaper to bring them in your luggage. Also, availability of certain brands is sometimes a problem. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Thank you! More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Quit. It will save you even more money. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Now, there's some advice worth heeding. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
BE TABACCO FREE!!! More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Be sure you check to see how much tobacco you can take into the country though. Depending upon how much you smoke and how long you are going to be there. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
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