NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
I was responsible for upkeep of the Hermitage on Cat for 9 years. (9/94 to 6/03) "Father Jerome" was NOT a short man. He built so that one bent low to enter a holy place. Stop the inaccuracies of history! To verify ask Carlton Rolle of Old Bight who remembers "the hermit of Cat Island." More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
I am not sure where anyone ever got the fact that Father Jerome was a short man. Thank you for clarifying this matter. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
Believe Sister Eileen who dedicated so many years to the upkeep and beauty of the Hermitage..she and Sister Teresa provided many years of friendship during our stays on Cat Island. This island is for those who long for tranquilly absent the Tv, etc. Be prepared to enjoy the most beautiful time of your we have over the many years....walking the beaufiul beach at the Greenwood and seeing the beauty of Little Winding Bay and Big Winding Bay are worth the trip...along with the friendly people on Cat...try the Blue Bird for some incredible fish or chicken. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
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