Bahamas Message Boards: Bahamas Vacation Forums: Freeport and Grand Bahama Vacations:
NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: Bahamas Vacation and Travel Answers pages. You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the: Bahamas Vacation and Travel page. CAN ANYONE TELL ME IF GENIE STILL HAS HER WEEKLY ON (MONDAY) BEACH PARTY AT GOLD ROCK BEACH. WE HAVE GONE ONE TIME A COUPLE YEARS AGO AND GENIE AND HER MOM AND FRIENDS SHOWED US A GREAT DAY WITH FOOD, DRINKS AND GAMES AT GOLD ROCK BEACH. WE WANT TO TAKE ANOTHER TRIP THIS YEAR WHILE WE ARE VISITING AT THE RITZ AT TAINO BEACH WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE. PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW TO GET AHOLD OF HER AND BOOK THIS PARTY WHEN WE GET TO TOWN THE FIRST OF JUNE.2006. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate