NOTE:These pages are archives of the old Bahamas Message Board Vacation Forums. They are no longer maintained and most of the information is either out-of-date or incorrect. To ask vacation questions pertaining to The Bahamas, please visit: You can also find a wealth of information on Bahamas vacations on the:
i am a bahamian who lives in the us and would love to see more info on the bahamas other than the touris industry people ask me all the time where can i go to get information on the bahamas? I refered them to this site but there is nothing to answer the questions they ask i can give them the information that i know but there is nothing like going online and typing in bahamas info or family islands or for them outer islands and find exactly what they are looking for most have questions about islands other than nassau , so please continue to add good sources so that bahamians and non bahamians can find exactly what thet are searching for. More info: Bahamas | Bahamas Vacations | Bahamas News | Bahamas Real Estate
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