Non-Virtual Account
This is our basic Web hosting solution available to Premium Member's only. While not the most robust solution, it is a great way to get started on the Internet or even may be all you need if your needs are minimal. You get a subdirectory, http://www.bahamasb2b.com/yoursite/. If you move to another hosting company later, you'll get a different
Become a
Premium Member.
Virtual Domain
This is the best option in most cases. You'll get your own domain name, like http://www.yoursite.com/. (We can also make it so that http://yoursite.com/ will work
Open a Hosting Account or
Register a
Domain Name
Dedicated Servers
We can also set up a server just for you. This is more expensive, and not necessary unless you have a huge amount of traffic at your website. You may be optimistic, of course, but you're better off getting a virtual domain and switching to a dedicated server if and when you need one.
For most businesses the virtual domain is the way to go. You get your own domain name, the domain works properly, and it can be very affordable -- as little as $14.95 a month, though our most popular package is $35 per month.
Note also that some services are not available unless you have your own domain name. If you don't have a virtual domain or a dedicated server, you won't get an e-mail account (which, as we'll see, is very important), and you won't get
FTP access.
Get a Quote on Advanced Hosting.
One more thing
If you want to use Microsoft FrontPage, we have FrontPage extensions available on all of our hosting environments. Some hosting companies simply state that you can use FrontPage-created pages at their sites; that's meaningless, as you can use FrontPage pages at any site. But if you want to use FrontPage's advanced features -- forms, included pages, discussion groups and so on -- just request that we enable the special server "extensions".
E-Mail Services
All of our hosting solutions come with e-mail accounts. You need an e-mail account because you can't use one company for a domain's website and another for the domain's e-mail; you can assign a domain to only one server. So e-mail comes with your Web hosting account. But you have several options.
You can use your own Control Panel to retrieve e-mail sent to your domain, regardless of what appears to the left of the @ sign: admin@yoursite.com, sales@yoursite.com, fred@yoursite.com and so on. With some of our plans you can also set up multiple accounts, so that one person can access all the mail to, say, admin, while another person gets all the mail going to sales and another receives mail to fred. Any mail directed to an address not covered by a particular account will go into a default account.
Depending on the hosting solution you select, you will be given from 2 (our most inexpensive package) to 30 (our most popular package) e-mail accounts. We also have hosting solutions that will allow you an unlimited number of POP accounts.
You also have the option of mail forwarding. This will allow you to forward e-mail somewhere else, so you can pick up your mail from your ISP or AOL account, for instance. Tell us how many forwarding accounts you may need and we will recommend the right hosting package. Also -- this is very important -- our Control Panel makes it easy to set up forwarding (this also goes for the next feature, auto responders). Some hosts expect you to be able to program CGI scripts, while we provide an easy-to-use form.
Auto-responders can be very useful, and all of our plans include them. In fact, all but our most basic plans allow for unlimited auto-responders. These allow you to set up mail accounts that automatically send pre-configured messages to anyone who mails to the accounts. This is a great way to send out product descriptions and sales blurbs, for instance.
Telnet and FTP
All of our hosting solutions offer 24/7, unlimited FTP account access to your website. If you expect to allow people to download software from your site, you should be sure to get one of our packages that lets you set up additional FTP accounts or even anonymous FTP access.
E-Commerce Options
Want to sell products on the Web? Setting up a shopping-cart system couldn't be easier, and
Bahamas B2B offers a variety of different solutions which can be tailored to your specific needs. All of our hosting plans offer shopping carts, ranging from a very basic solution to the very best in the industry, the Miva System. All of our plans also offer secure server capabilities at no extra
Programs and Utilities
CGI capabilities are available on all of our servers whether you select Unix, Linux or Windows 2000. Even if you don't know right now why you might want to use CGI, eventually you'll find the need. CGI allows you to set up feedback forms and shopping-cart systems, for instance. Our Windows servers allow you to use the ASP scripting language making it easy to create advanced web applications.
All our hosting plans come with a robust Administration Control Panel that allows you to administrate your server with a Web browser. Web site statistics are available with every hosting plan and we offer a variety of pre-configured scripts allowing you to add counters, forms, guestbooks etc. to your site without having to do any serious programming.
Who's Behind our Web Hosting
We offer a variety of hosting packages with state of the art technology and facilities but we realize that the most important aspect of a web hosting relationship, for you, is the level of customer service you receive. While BahamasB2B is a technology oriented company, we realize that good people are critical to the success of any business. We pride ourselves on the skills and professionalism we strive to achieve. When you receive
customer service from BahamasB2B - whether it's via e-mail, phone or our support and community forums - We want you to know that you are in contact with people who truly care about the success of your business and will do everything in our power to make your web hosting experience worth recommending to your friends and associates.