The Abacos with each part being an attraction in itself – Great and Little Abaco, Walker’s Cay, Treasure Cay, Marsh Harbour, Green Turtle Cay, Great Guana Cay, Man-O-War Cay and Elbow Cay. Yachtsmen from all over the world seek this particular haven for their sailing delights – hence the synonym, ‘The Sailing Capital of the World’. Visitors enjoy the paradise of the quaint island villages – highlighted by a candy-striped lighthouse and the funfilled yet relaxing atmosphere. Abaco is also the site of Pelican Cay National Park, the national underwater preserve.
Nightclubs provide a main source of entertainment in Abaco – the other being, the entertainment of the stillness of the night.
Great Abaco Beach: Marsh Harbour………………………… Tel. 242-367-2158
Ambassador Motel:…………………………………………….. Tel. 242-367-2022
Roosters Rest Pub & Restaurant: GreenTurtle Cay………Tel. 242-365-4066
Sea Side Inn Restaurant & Bar: Sandy Point…………….. Tel: 242-366-4120
Surf Side Club: Dundas Town:……………………………….. Tel. 242-367-2762
The Ranch: Don Mackey Blvd………………………………… Tel. 242-367-2733
Oassis Night Club: Dundas Town.
Oeisha’s Resort: Sandy Point………………………………….Tel. 242-366-4139
Ambassador Motel: Marsh Harbour, serves traditional Bahamian dishes as well as American dishes
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-367-2022
Capt. Jacks: Hope Town, has breakfast, lunch and dinner menus
……………………………. …………………………………………………Tel. 242- 366-0247
Mother Merle Fishnet: Dundas Town, specializes in native and American dishes. Open daily except Wednesday
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-367-2770
Abaco Inn Restaurant: Elbow Cay, boasts house specialities of grilled fish and lobster
……………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 366-0133
Tiki Hut: Marsh Harbour, is open daily
……………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 367-2575
Mangoe’s Restaurant Boutique: Marsh Harbour
……………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 367-2366
The Conch Inn: Marsh Harbour, is known for its excellent cuisine.
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-367-2319
Wally’s: Marsh Harborur, offers an array of dining options. Lunch is served Mon. – Sat starting at 11 :30 a m. and Dinner is served 6 to 9 pm
……………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 367-2074
Green Turtle Club: Green Turtle Cay, has been featured in Gourmet Magazine. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner is served.
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-365-4237
Bluff House: Restaurant: GreenTurtle Cay
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-365-4247
Angler’s Restaurant Great Abaco Beach Hotel & Marina: Marsh Harbour
………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 242-367-2158
Sapodilly’s Bar & Grill
……………………………………………………………………………………. Tel. 367-3498
Getting Around
TAXICABS are available. The unmetered cabs average $1.50 per mile.
RENTAL CARS are also avalable;
A & A Car Rental……………………………………………………………367-2148
H & L Car Rentals…………………………………………………………..367-2840
V & R Car Rental……………………………………………………………367-2001
T & B Car Rental…………………………………………………………….367-4007
Reliable Car Rental ………………………………………………………..367-4234
Medical Services
Blue Ridge Harbour Clinic………………………………………………….367-2295
Marsh Harbour Clinic………………………………………………………..366-4010
Government Clinic……………………………………………………………367-2510
Great Abaco Clinic…………………………………………………………..367-2320
Abaco Medical Clinic……………………………………………………….367-4240
Government Clinic Cooper’s Town ………………………………………365-0019
Moore Island Clinic…………………………………………………………..366-6105
Sandy Point Clinic…………………………………………………………..366-4010
Art: Ocean Blue Gallery
Clothing: Spooner’s Department Store, Precious Gems, Tod-Lins, Edd Tide, Bluff House Boutique, Wally’s Boutique
China & Crystal: Abaco Treasures, Pioneer Home Centre
Jewelry: Little Switzerland, Aunt Madys Boutique, Sand Dollar Shoppe, Native Touches, Island Gallery, Karas Fashions, Mangoes Boutique
Liquor: Central Liquors, Bethell Robertson & Co., Curry Liquor Store, High Noon Liquor Store, Burns House
Perfumes: The Loyalist Shop, Shell Hut, The John Bull Shop
Photography: Snap Shop, Wally’s Studio
Souvenirs/Gifts: Kemp’s Souvenirs, Island Gallery, Barefoot Gifts, Walker’s Cay Gift Shop, Sunset Souvenirs, Native Touches, Water’s Edge Studio, Loyalist Shoppe.
How To Get Here
Travel from Nassau, New Providence Island via Bahamasair to Treasure Cay or Marsh Harbour; flights are also available from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach and Orlando, Florida.
USAir Express………………………………………………………….800-562-7661
American Eagle………………………………………………………..800-433-7300
Gulfstream International Airlines…………………………………….305-871-1200
Island Express………………………………………………………….305-359-0380
Panic Button
Police …………………………………………………………………919 or 367-2560
Air/Sea Rescue………………………………………………………………366-0280
Great Guana Cay
Guana Beach Resort …………………………………………………242-367-3590
Green Turtle Cay
Bluff House………………………………………………………………242-365-4247
Coco Bay Cottages……………………………………………………242-365-4464
Green Turtle Club & Marina………………………………………….242-365-4271
New Plymouth Inn………………………………………………………242-365-4161
Linton’s Beach Cottages……………………………………………..242-365-4003
Sea Star Beach Cottages……………………………………………242-365-4178
Club Soleil Resort……………………………………………………..242-366-0003
Hope Town Abaco Inn…………………………………………………242-366-0133
Hope Town Hideaways……………………………………………….242-366-0224
Hope Town Villas………………………………………………………242-366-0030
HopeTown Harbour Lodge……………………………………………242-366-0095
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-366-0286
Elbow Cay
Sea Spray Resort & Villas…………………………………………..242-366-0065
Man-O-War Cay
Schooner’s Landing Resort………………………………………….242-365-6072
Fax: ……………………………………………………………………..242-365-6285
Marsh Harbour
Abaco Towns By -The-Sea……………………………………………242-367-2227
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-267-3727
Ambassador Motel…………………………………………………….242-367-2022
Conch Inn Resort & Marina………………………………………….242-367-4000
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-367-4004
Great Abaco Beach Resort………………………………………….242-367-2158
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-367-2819
Lofty Fig Villas………………………………………………………….242-367-2681
Pelican BeachVillas…………………………………………………..242-367-3600
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-367-3600
Sandy Point
Oeisha’s Resort ………………………………………………………..242-366-4119
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-366-4007
Pete & Gay Guest House……………………………………………242-366-4139
Spanish Cay
The Inn At Spanish Cay………………………………………………242-365-0083
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-365-0466
Treasure Cay
Treasure Cay Beach Hotel & Marina………………………………242-365-8578
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………242-365-8362
Treasure Cay Villas & Condominiums……………………………..201-767-9393
Fax: ………………………………………………………………………201-767-5510
Walker’s Cay
Walker’s Cay Hotel & Marina……………………………………….954-359-1400
Wood Cay
Tangelo Hotel……………………………………………………………242-365-2104