The coral reefs surrounding the tiny island chain in the northern Bahamas known as Bimini are no stranger to the devastating appetite of lionfish.
These invasive fish are found on the reefs, wrecks and even in the marinas throughout the islands. Divers are encouraged to spear these delicate monsters and once a year, Bimini Sands Resort & Marina plays host to an event which promotes the removal of as many lionfish as possible, all in the name of charity and conservation.
James “ Woody” Beckham grew up diving and fishing around Bimini and has not let a 2011 paralyzing rugby injury alter his love for these amazing, ”Islands in the Stream.” The Woody Foundation was born out a need for better rehabilitation tools and supplies for people with spinal cord injuries. The 3rd Annual Lionfish Bash brings together Woody’s love of Bimini, passion for helping people and the spirit of competition.