Employers Liability

The days when employees were reluctant to sue their employers for injuries received on the job are long gone. Anyone employing anyone needs protection against this risk. Such protection is provided by an Employers’ Liability Policy, which gives you an indemnity against legal liability for damages and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of bodily […]

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Public Liability

Your company needs protection against claims for personal injury and property damage by members of the public, for which you are allegedly legally liable. As Bahamian society becomes more litigious, the frequency and severity of such claims can only be expected to increase. Public liability insurance cover provides the protection that you require. Premiums To […]

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Known also as Burglary Insurance, this covers the trade contents against theft accompanied by an actual forcible and violent entry of or exit from the premises. Premiums These will depend on a number of factors, including type of business, location, protections and previous claims history. Premiums can be reduced by opting for a voluntary deductible, […]

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Professional Indemnity

As The Bahamas becomes more sophisticated and more litigious, the demand for this type of cover is continuing to grow. Further, more classes of professions are becoming required by Statute to take out and maintain this type of cover, for the protection of their clients and the public at large. Premiums Your premium is usually […]

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Most businesses will require insurance on their Money, which includes cheques (except pre-signed blank ones), postal and money orders and current postal stamps. Cheques are included in the definition for your complete protection, although their loss should not usually result in any money loss to you. Premiums The premiums will depend on the type of […]

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A bond is not an insurance policy, having some fundamental differences from it. An insurance policy is an agreement between two parties only, the Insured and the Insurer whereby, in return for a premium, the Insurer agrees to pay claims should the event insured against occur. A bond, however, involves three parties: The contractor, who […]

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