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Evil Triumphs When The Good People Remain Silent’

Dear Editor,

Please allow me a space in your daily to address a critical issue that is threatening the entire western world. While it seems to be politically correct to ascribe our current upsurge in Muslim terrorism to a small group of madmen, this is clearly not the case.

The religion itself, based on the Koran do not accept any other religious point of view ( from atheists to Christianity). Its adherents are admonished to overthrow, kill, slaughter, force conversion on, and or make slaves of non-converts. This is the Muslim’ s core belief taken from the Koran, yet we are told by politicians and other apologists that Islam is a religion of peace, I wonder which funny book they were reading.

Now there are a group of madmen who looked at the number of Muslims worldwide, some 1.2 billion, they are of the opinion that they can take over the entire world governmental systems and have Islamic law established worldwide, of course anybody who do not like it will be slaughtered.

While a group of religious fanatics do not surprise anybody, it is the wider Muslim community’s complicity with this stated aim that have me worried. When any logical, compassionate human being see a September 11, a Bali bombing, or a Moscow theater hostage taking, we grieve for the innocent victims (their religion do not matter), we see a tragic and unnecessary waste of human life, We glorify life not death. The vast majority of Muslims however do not see innocent people, what they see are only infidels, unbelievers deserving death. In the Moscow incident all Muslims were released unharmed and immediately by their Muslim captors.

Over the years Muslims have infiltrated practically every country on earth. They are supported by the Saudi Arabia and other rich middle east countries. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the world, as it caters to the disaffected in the world.

In the western world our democratic system of government and the rule of law is Christian base. Religious plurality is allowed and encouraged, so is respect for different beliefs and tolerance thereof This is the hallmark of our society.

The Muslim when few in numbers, live under this system, they use our freedom to gain converts, use foreign money to build mosques and to establish themselves in our community, However as soon as their numbers start to increase they begin their quest to take over the country and establish Islamic rule and to terrorize and slaughter anyone who is not a Muslim.

We witnessed a few years ago this-same phenomenon in Trinidad, when 100 Muslims thought they had the right to overthrow the democratic government and install a Muslim state. The same thing can happen here in our beloved Bahamaland, the USA or any other country. It is happening in the Philippines, Chechnya, China, Timor, the Balkans and many other areas. They are all facing this Muslim fanatical desire to take over the world. Their numbers do not seem to matter, as we saw a mere 100 try to take over Trinidad.

This is a growing menace that the world must address, particularly the western world leaders. The first thing that they need to realize is that the Muslim religion itself must change to accept other religious point of view, and we should insist that other religious minorities in their societies be treated humanely and fairly. Christians and other religious adherents are tortured, raped and killed daily, in many of these countries, for simply being a Christian or other religion. Western governments have ignored this for years for the sake of so called “good relations” with the Arab/Muslim world.

It is now evident however that we are at war against a serious enemy that is already established in our midst. Western governments including our own need to look closely at our Muslim brothers and hopefully stop any slide towards militancy in their midst. Clerics must be made to stop their constant spewing of hate and vitriolic anti-Christian and anti-western sermons which feeds this kind of mindless violence. Christians who live in Muslim countries, albeit hidden, go about their daily business (when not being killed), and pray to god in his closet. Why can’t our Muslim brothers feel satisfied with practicing their religious freedom in the western world without taking over.

It may not be politically correct to say it, but unless a fundamental change occur in the mind set of Muslims the world over, demonstrated by deeds for all to see, western governments may need to ban this religion. It makes no sense to allow a group to perpetuate its hatred in your land with the goal of taking over and slaughtering you and your children as soon as they feel able to do so.

I am not anti-Muslim, I am a realist, my desire is that we live in a world where we can a love one another and cherish our diversity, whether it be race, culture or religion. So I plead with my Muslim brothers the world over to repudiate strongly and loudly these senseless acts of terror perpetuated by your religious brothers. Those who are on this terror campaign should find no shelter among you. There are good and bad people in every group, evil triumphs when the good people remain silent.

Yours etc.,

Kirkwood Moss

Editorial in The Nassau Guardian

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