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No Bail For Accused Rapists and Robbers

The men believed to be responsible for a recent spate of crimes in New Providence – from rape to armed robbery – were charged in the Magistrate’s Court Thursday on more than 18 different counts.

Still wanted for questioning in connection with the same matters is Craig Higgs, whose last known address is Soldier Road .

Higgs, alias Neil Sands, age 31, who is believed to be the ringleader in all of the crimes committed, is considered armed and dangerous.

Police are asking anyone with any information about Higgs to report it immediately.

Just recently, a group of social services advocates campaigning for change, spoke out against the spate of sexual assaults that have ravaged some Bahamian families.

The coordinator for Health Social Services Dr. Sandra Dean- Patterson also called for a separate court to charge such victims.

She said there needs to be more measures to protect the victims such as speeding up the court cases and allowing for victim impact testimonies.

Charged were Lavaugn Finlayson, 27, of Ridgeland Park ; Romeo Lynes, 22 or Montel Heights and Geneo Tynes, 18, also of Montel Heights .

Also charged was Quinisha Bain, 19, of Ridgeland Park . Bain, who is alleged to be the girlfriend of Finlayson, was charged with receiving a stolen Gucci necklace and a heart bracelet, valued at $985. She was granted bail in the sum of $5,000 with one surety.

But the men were denied bail and were remanded to Her Majesty Prison until December 2 at which time their matter will be heard before Magistrate Linda Virgil.

Scores of on-lookers gathered on Parliament Street to witness the arraignment. A group of women gathered outside the court was heard shouting, “My Lord that’s the boys!” and “look at them they need a good whipping!”

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