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Bahamians Will Support US Ambassador

Dear Editor,

Thank you again for your kindness and justice towards professional writers in the Bahamas. We do appreciate it.

Editor, the Bahamas loves America and all Americans black, white, rich and poor especially our beloved American believers of Christ Jesus. Americans are always welcome to the Bahamas with love and joy by the Bahamian people. The Bahamas respects the sovereignty of all its neighboring allies and those who defend the rights of all mankind with righteousness. To love and not hate, seek peace and freedom to grow and maximize your potential are some of the many principals that is taught in the Bahamas.

The Government of the Bahamas is pleased and thankful for all the assistance the American Government has afforded the Bahamas and the continuous assistance afforded to the Bahamas by the American Government. The Bahamas Government which includes the FNM as the opposition in the House do not support any illegal activity in the Bahamas or any nation that opposes the Fundamental Rights of mankind, freedom, justice, peace and love.

The Government of the Bahamas would continue to work side by side with the United States its brotherly neighbor. The Ambassador from the United States to the Bahamas is a man of dignity, hard working and is doing an excellent job with the help of the Lord as a diplomat to the Bahamas. The Bahamian people home and abroad admire the President of the United States who is known as a man of good will, one who believes in the Son of God and has a deep concern for mankind, a heart of peace and liberty for all

The Government of the Bahamas is doing its best to eradicate crime, corruption and the soliciting of illegal drugs. However the assistance from America to the Bahamas is playing an active role in this regard, especially in the area of National Security. The Bahamas has always been successful partners with the USA and will continue to do so for the good of all its Caribbean CARICOM neighbors.

The Bahamas is a Christian Nation of people who love to pray and believes in the power of God, it will continue to do its best to support the United States efforts to make life even more peaceful and enjoyable for all throughout the world. The Bahamas welcomes financial investors to explore the opportunities and benefits offered to all Client as well as vacationers on cruise ships. Passengers sick or joyful, when you come to the Bahamas you are well in the Name of Jesus. Restoration Outreach Ministry thanks you.

Be blessed Bahamas, God bless America

Yours etc.,

Rodney St. Jour

Letter To the Editor, The Nassau Guardian

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