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$2 Million Se�or Frog’s Franchise Opens

Bahamas Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe gladly welcomed the $2 million Se�or Frog’s restaurant owned by a group of Mexican investors.

At the official opening of the popular franchise in Downtown Nassau, Mr. Wilchcombe pledged the ministry’s support in ensuring a fruitful business.

“My Ministry is very delighted today, because you are assisting us in a mission that we have to revitalise Bay Street and give it new life,” Mr. Wilchombe said at the Tuesday opening. “What is going to happen as a result of you being here, is that more businesses will come and stay open beyond 6:00 p.m.,” he said.

According to General Manager of Se�or Frog’s Aturro Salas: “The cost of building in The Bahamas is certainly more expensive than in other parts of the world and our budget went over by some 40 per cent.”

Mr. Salas said that even though Se�or Frog’s has 63 locations in eight countries around the world, he chose The Bahamas because there are a vast number of customers from visiting cruise ships that would be attracted to the eatery.

“There is also a vast number of tourists that come here by air and there are no other Mexican restaurants on the island. I also know that there will be a large number of Bahamians visiting us also,” he said.

Mr. Salas said that it has taken him almost two years to conduct marketing research in The Bahamas before establishing the Se�or Frog’s restaurant, in which there were several other locations that were examined. Since opening in The Bahamas, Mr. Salas said that it is “amazing” how the Bahamian people have welcomed Se�or Frog’s.

“We have been treated so nicely. Everybody has been friendly, the attorneys, the authorities, the private sector, the contractor; everybody has been great with us,” he said, adding that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company installed phone line in less than five days.

According to Mr. Salas, Se�or Frog’s is a very “friendly” and “casual” place where the party is ageless. “You can come with your grandma, kids and everybody and they are sure to have fun. Besides having excellent service and excellent quality with our foods and drinks, the attitude of our staff and the party that we provide makes the difference,” he said, adding that 80 per cent of the success of Senor Frogs franchises lies in its staff.

Mr. Salas also noted that the opening was one of happiness.

He boasted that the Mexican eatery has the best-trained staff in The Bahamas, and only the best was chosen among some 800 applicants.

“I want to tell you that I am so proud of you. You have been working and training really hard and as I told you in the beginning, you are the ones that will make the difference and will make this place better than the rest,” said Mr. Salas to his staff, of which 80 per cent are females.

Minister of Tourism Wilchcombe told the Mexican investors that they seem committed to building a restaurant that provides an opportunity for visitors to have a great time and a one of a kind experience.

“I also take note of the fact that you have a commitment to your staff and that commitment is for them to become a part of this organisation and not just feel that they are here for a job, but also to begin careers,” he said.

Mr. Wilchcombe mentioned that it is also important for the staff of Se�or Frog’s to understand that it rests upon them to ensure that patrons walk away wanting to come back.

“You have to now commit yourself to making this successful.

When you do this, you are not only doing it for yourself and this establishment, but for every single soul in The Bahamas and for your country, so I want to encourage you to give it all that you can and adopt to the philosophy of this organisation,” he said.

Se�or Frog’s restaurant is conveniently located on Navy Lion Road behind the straw market.

The franchise has locations in Peru, Aruba, Spain, Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and The Bahamas.

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