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A Nation held hostage by Criminals

Crime in this country is rampant and completely out of control.

Our Police Force is doing a tremendous job in solving murders and other felonies committed; but their efforts are being frustrated by forces beyond their control and over which they have no say. I am of the opinion that our judicial system – especially in the area of the granting of bail – needs to be revisited, as the majority of violent crimes are now being committed by individuals out on BAIL for various felonies including MURDER.

Something must be radically wrong with the Judicial System when persons accused of MURDER can be allowed to roam our streets freely, committing crimes of violence and in many instances repeat cases of murder. God knows that the Police Force is taxed to its limit and – despite a number of bad apples in the barrel – is operating in a credible and efficient manner. Citizens, corporate and otherwise, churches, fraternities, government and all of its agencies MUST without delay get involved and give our Police Force their full support in this time of national crisis. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE would want to see a demoralised police force – especially at a time like now – as such a situation would totally wreck this nation.

There are those that would say “it cannot happen” but believe me, it can happen. We must remember that policemen are human beings who are putting their lives on the line and their families at risk daily in order to rid our streets of violent criminals and to find that after all the effort and risks, that the courts turn these persons loose in society by granting them bail. This sort of situation leads to STRESS and ANXIETY on the part of the officer/s involved and their families. Can anyone expect an officer in that position to perform at his maximum? I say NO, because his mind-set is unfocused. The Courts must now realise that it is their duty to give PROTECTION to the hardworking, dedicated members of our Police Force and their families by not acceding to the request of some defence lawyers to grant bail to persons on trial for MURDER and other serious offences.

There are recent instances where material witnesses have been murdered. MAGISTRATES and JUDGES need to take a hard look at the REALITIES of the crime situation in this country today and do their part to help stem this flood tide of criminal and lawless activities in our country before we as a society are consumed by it. The numbers of residents on DEATH ROW need to be radically depleted so that a CLEAR message can be sent to would-be aspirants to that especial community. Our Police Force is on a roll, citizens of the country are giving them the kind of co-operation need to assist in making their job of DETECTION and APPREHENSION easier, prompt and conclusive in their pursuit of the perpetrators of serious crimes in our society. There cannot and must not be any slow down or derailment to their positive and dynamic approach by our guardians of the law in their fearless and unflinching assault on crime in our society.

I am saying without fear of contradiction that if the hardworking and dedicated officers of our Police Force are given that level of SUPPORT and PROTECTION by the Judges and Magistrates of our courts it would go a long way in not only reducing criminality in our society but making this country a safer place in which our visitors can freely move and enjoy their visit to our shores. We as a people cannot sit idly by and allow the small criminal element to hold the majority of us hostages. God knows that no one wants to see our bread and butter industry – Tourism – ruined by criminal activities, nor do we want to see the introduction of VIGILANTES by groups of citizens to deal with an uncontrollable criminal situation.

Let us use every avenue available to us – the 919, crime tipsters and any other method – to inform the police of criminal activities in communities or neighbourhoods. Far too many young persons are being dispatched to cemeteries throughout this nation in an untimely fashion. A stop to this trend is needed NOW. This government or any other government cannot do it alone; they can only legislate laws – which we now have – to deal with crime. The police, church, corporate citizens, fraternities and ordinary citizens, must all do their part in order to ensure that our community is a safe one in which all citizens can enjoy their FREEDOM, LIBERTY and PURSUIT of happiness in an environment FREE from CRIME and VIOLENCE.

We cannot afford to rest or relax as long as the present criminal active and BLATANT lack of respect for human life exists in our society. Let us as a people join hands across this archipelago and reclaim our streets from the horrific grip of the criminal element and their cohorts.

E.W.I. Watkins J.P., The Nassau Guardian

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