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BCSC Eron Figure Chambers Linked To Several Murders

There may finally be a light at the end of the tunnel for controversial former Vancouver lawyer Martin Chambers, despite the most detailed revelations of his underworld dealings ever made public. A Miami judge has indicated she may consider bail, albeit on tight conditions, for Mr. Chambers, in jail since his arrest in the Bermuda Short money laundering sting six months ago. This alarming development comes amid RCMP intelligence linking Mr. Chambers with the contract killings of four underworld figures, including Ernie Ozolins, a former high-ranking Hells Angels member, and David Ward, a convicted penny stock promoter, and with Russian organized crime.

Mr. Chambers is the key target in the money laundering arm of the Bermuda Short sting, a joint RCMP-FBI undercover operation, based in Miami, which spanned more than two years. A total of 60 penny stock figures, including 20 Canadians, were arrested in the Aug. 14-15 arrest operation, with most targets snared in the parallel bribed fund manager sting. Mr. Chambers allegedly conspired to launder millions of dollars for undercover RCMP and FBI officers posing as figures in the Colombian Cali cocaine cartel, along with co-defendants Kevan Garner, who has pled guilty and agreed to rat on his associates, and offshore banker Michael Hepburn of the Bahamas, who maintains his innocence so far.

By Brent Mudry, Street Wire

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