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Stary Dog Problem MUST Be Handled Humanely

Recently, I was reading in the Tribune about yet another attack by uncontrolled dogs, (on a woman visitor in Harbour Island) when I heard Love 97’s news report that the Minister of Agriculture V. Alfred Gray denies there is a stray dog crisis in The Bahamas.

It seems the Minister needs to be better advised by his Ministry, in particular the Animal Control Unit. No doubt veterinary doctors and the Humane Society could also help with information on the subject.

The Minister could then formulate a plan of action to deal with the problem humanely and in accordance with the provisions of the Dog Licence Act, 1942. The fees generated from enforcement of the Act should cover the costs of the exercise.

Safety is a basic human need. The dangers posed by uncontrolled dogs can be resolved, with humanity. We are looking to the Minister to show leadership and produce results, in return for the salary he receives and for the safety and benefit of the nation he was elected to serve.

Yours, etc.,

Leandra Esfakis

Letter To The Editor, The Nassau Guardian

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