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Campaign Promises Of PLP Government Proven Futile

Any new Government sworn into office to begin a new term of Governance, strives to announce at least one major Economic initiative within the shortest possible time; Perry Christie’s Government, in ten months, has not been able to do so. Not one ” Economic Stimulating” project; ( significant or otherwise), has been announced by this “Christie Administration”; not one.

Right now this Government can only be described as a ” care taker” Government and quite frankly they are not even good at care taking.

The high points of this administration thus far are (1 ) The appointment of commissions; (2) The Junkanoo Bleachers scandal; and (3) The BAIC fiasco. PERRY Christie is proving, on a daily basis, to the Bahamian people and the world, that the Coalition For Democratic Reform (CDR) was right in rejecting his leadership as, lackluster, visionless, indecisive and clueless In terms of what needs to be done to really take our country to the next level of our thrust to First World status.

Getting behind a microphone is Perry Christie’s strongest suit, but empty words, phrases and sentences mean nothing unless backed up by action.

Ten months of this, quote unquote “new” PLP Government, and I am

bored to death. Bahamians must be asking, “where is the help and hope” that Perry Christie said was on the way?

My advice to Perry Christie and his PLP Government is to get on with the job of proving his election campaignclaim of being ” the right man for the job” – I submit that If an election were to be hold today–ten months after the May 2nd, 2002 excercise–the PLP would in all probability, lose the Pineridge and Marco City constituency seats,

I would give them West End and Bimini by a very slim margin. I find Bahamians now very disappointed in the PLP Government. It was interesting to hear one of the PLP’s who lost his bid for a seat in Grand Bahama admit his personal shame of and disappointment in Perry Christie, leader of the PLP and Prime Minister of the Bahamas.

Forrester J, Carroll

Letter To The Editor, The Nassau Guardian

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