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Registrar General's Department To Be Computerised

Recognising concerns expressed by international and local business communities, the government has launched the first phase of the computerisation of The Registrar General's Department at a cost of $80,000.

Minister of Financial Services, Allyson Maynard Gibson said the concerns expressed by the business community variously emphasised that The Bahamas' competitive position in the provision of international business services was being severely compromised.

Aslo compromised was the ability of the country to remain credible as a "jurisdiction of choice" in the eyes of the international business community, having repeatedly promise certain business facilitation measures designed to attract and strengthen the financial services and corporate services product.

Mrs. Gibson said that, as of May 2002, immediate steps were taken to address these concerns and the programme for computerisation of the department was accelerated.

She said consultants from IBM worked with the Registrar General's department to begin implementation, on a phased basis, of a project that will ultimately see not only on-line facilitation of the services that are offered by the department but also the full digitisation of all content within the department.

Source: Arthia Nixon, The Tribune

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