“There is an old saying, “Weapons are instruments of ill omen, despised by the Way of Heaven. To use them only when unavoidable is the Way of Heaven.” The reason weapons are instruments of ill omen is that the Way of Heaven is the Way that gives life to beings, so something used for killing is truly an instrument of ill omen. Thus the saying has it that what contradicts the Way of Heaven is despised.
Nevertheless, it also says that to use arms when unavoidable is also the Way of Heaven. What does this mean? Although flowers blossom and greenery increases in the spring breeze, when the autumn frost comes, leaves always drop and trees wither. This is the judgement of nature.
This is because there is logic in striking down something when it is completed. People may take advantage of events to do evil, but when that evil is complete, it is attacked. That is when it is said that using weapons is also the Way of Heaven.
It may happen that myriad people suffer because of the evil of one man. In such a case, myriad people are saved by killing one man. Would this not be a true example of “the sword that kills is the sword that gives life”?
There is a science to the use of arms. If you try to kill someone without knowing the science, you will probably get killed yourself”. – Miyamoto Musashi
Today, George W. Bush – the accidental President of the United States of America and ill-cast commander-in-chief of the most powerful empire in the history of the world stands condemned in the sight of Man and God for his sins and crimes against humanity.
Believing sincerely – but falsely that the United States of America has a right – based on might – to impose its views and values on a recalcitrant world, the United States of America is currently waging war on innocence in Iraq. Many people have already died and for sure many more will be chewed up in this nasty war.
Having already demonstrated his utter contempt for the world, George W. Bush and his poodle-like supporter Tony Blair, are going in over-drive to explain to people who would listen that their intentions were good and that all they wanted to do was to liberate the Iraqi people. Most sensible people do not believe either man.
Quite frankly, I do not believe that either man knows what the truth is anymore. Beguiled, deceived and confused by their own lies and distortions, these two white men are convinced that they have a right to do whatever the hell they want to do. But if the truth be told since ‘God don’t like ugly’, their day of reckoning will come. They will be called to account for their sins and crimes against humanity.
Soon and very soon, Bush and Blair will know whether Saddam Hussein has lied about weapons of mass destruction, so too will the tens of thousands of young men and women who have been dressed up in U.S. and British issued uniforms.
My fear is that soon and very soon, these young men and women who have been pushed into harm’s way will understand the pathos and the pity in the poet’s lament that, ‘their’s is not to reason why, their’s is but to do and die’.
When the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were struck on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, George W. Bush was photographed in a primary school classroom somewhere in Florida. He was pictured sitting quite comfortably on one of the little chairs ordinarily used by one of the little black children who attended that school somewhere in Florida. What was interesting about this particular state – as everyone knows – is that this is the place where the difference was made in the year 2000 for George W. Bush to become President of the United States of America.
You know the rest of the story about the farcical elections which provoked some very white people in the United States of America to mockingly shout “Hail to The Thief” when George W. Bush was inaugurated as the 43rd President of the Unites States of America.
Apparently convinced that he was called forth from the depths to lead his great nation – no matter what – George W. Bush and a band of right wing religious zealots have responded in righteous rage to the 9/11 assault on the United States of America.
Under the guise of protecting the homeland, they have devastated U.S. civil society, undermined their nation’s legitimacy in the world and are now threatening holocaust for everyone and anyone anywhere who dare oppose them.
The essence of the matter is that they have obviously reached the point in their debauch of decency where they believe that horror must be matched with horror, regardless of the costs in human life.
In the name of freedom, they produce tyranny. In the name of peace, they wage war. In the face of truth, these zealots tell lies.
At this moment when Iraqi men, women and children are obliged to witness fire falling from the sky, only God knows how or when this madness will end.
Rough Cut, The Bahama Journal