The present day world in which we all live, is unfortunately far too full of crime. Crime is affecting all of us, many who don't even feel safe in their homes at night. As a result of this world wide epidemic of crime, Commissions and Study Groups are being set up around the globe, to enquire into this phenomenon, and try to come up with a solution to the crime problem.
A few years ago, The Bahamas Government appointed a 'Commission' to study the whole question of crime in The Bahamas, and hopefully come up with some workable solutions. The unfortunate thing, as I see it, is that these types of Government appointed Commissions, rarely if ever, have the right, the really qualified people appointed to them. Government Commissions comprise basically of people who are loyal supporters of the party in power. This seems to be the primary qualification for appointment to any Government Commission, and therein lies a big part of the problem.
However, having said all of that, at least the Crime Commission to which I had previously referred to, came to one sound conclusion, in my mind. They said, that by and large, The Bahamas was a dishonest country full of dishonest people; I believe that they hit the nail on the head!
When we talk about criminals, we're talking about those who have committed crimes and who have been caught. But My Friend, how about all of the people who are living their lives in a dishonest, criminal manner, who don't happen to get caught. Aren't they a part of the overall problem too? Of course they are! So this is what I mean by the title of today's most important article 'There are criminals and criminals'. There are those who get caught, but there's also a vast array of criminals masquerading as honest, upright citizens, and these people are the real problem, as far as I'm concerned.
Yes My Friend, we're all familiar with those who have been caught committing criminal acts, tried and sentenced, and who are presently serving out their sentences in prison. But how about all of the seemingly honest and upright citizens, who are operating their lives and their businesses, in a criminal manner; surely these are the worst types of criminals, the 'Wolves in sheep's clothing'.
Alas we're all far too familiar with the criminal acts of corruption, which are committed by leading politicians, all over the world. Just about every day, somewhere in the world, another criminal act is uncovered, which has been committed by a leading politician. Those who are caught and exposed for all the world to see, are of course in the minority. It is my contention, that countless thousands of dishonest politicians, who should presently be occupying prison cells, are living as respected members of their countries.
Many who should have gone to jail for their corrupt and indeed criminal acts, and who have passed on, are idolized as heroes. No wonder we have a serious crime problem worldwide, when we daily try to deceive ourselves in this manner.
Yes My Friend, we all know who the criminals are, who have been caught and are in prison. However, until we weed out the others who are masquerading under the cloak of respectability, and deal with them, we'll never solve the crime epidemic. When are we going to stop fooling ourselves?
Time To Think column appears in The Nassau Guardian