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Tribune Editor Watching CNN Too Much

It would appear that the editor of the Tribune should stick with editorials pertaining to The Bahamas. Their grasp of the big picture is so childlike that we are not sure they are capable of commenting on world affairs.

In today’s editorial the Tribune editor talks of rebuilding Iraq, and how France and Germany, having decided NOT to join in America’s illegal attack on Iraq, should be excluded from any profits that may come from the rebuilding.

The editor thinks that France, Russia and Germany should be PUNISHED for honourably seeking a nonviolent solution and accuses the leaders of those countries of making a stand for a peaceful solution based on economics.

What a fool for American propaganda this editor is. Apparently they have been watching CNN too much.

The truth is, that it is the Americans and Britain whose decisions (to attack) were based entirely on economics. Anybody who doesn’t realise that oil and postwar reconstruction contracts were at the forefront of Bush and Blair’s policy is too naive to be writing editorials on the subject.

The editor makes a big deal out of the fact that 48 countries are among the “coalition of the willing” yet fails to admit that most of these countries became willing only after being bribed or coerced (economically) by the US to do so. India received $78 million, Jordan $777 million, just to name a few. Who are the real money grabbers then? It is difficult to see the contribution many of the countries, like Uganda and Eritrea, are really making to the effort. For many, their support extends only far as taking the US bribe to be placed on the list.

The foolish editor says that the “coalition” forces have found in 17 days what Hans Blix and his UN inspectors would never have found, even if they had “been allowed to wander the deserts of Iraq until he had grown as old as Methuselah.” From reading this misleading paragraph one would assume the US military HAD found banned weapons. The fact is they have found no such weapons of mass destruction and hence can not even justify their invasion in any way.

Despite the Tribune editor automatically assuming that there are weapons of mass destruction yet to be found in Iraq, it is important to note that none have been found so far. Besides, the weapons shouldn’t be too hard to find, seeing as the US military told the world, before the invasion began, that they knew exactly where the weapons were. Many critics of the US administration questioned why, if the US knew where the banned weapons were, why they didn’t just point UN inspectors to those locations, instead of waging a war to eliminate the weapons. The reason, as we find out now, is because the US never knew where any weapons were, and had simply lied about knowing to justify their invasion.

The Tribune editor tells a cute story of “The Little Red Hen” as an example of the lesson that should be learned by France and Germany. It is this simplistic, childlike mentality that exposes the foolishness of the editor and their naivety of world events.

In fact, the countries who were wise enough (and brave enough) to speak out against the war should be the ONLY ones allowed to make decisions regarding the rebuilding of Iraq. The only involvement the US, Britain and their “coalition” should be allowed is to have responsibility for paying for the reconstruction, since they are the ones who illegally destroyed Iraq.

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