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FERC OKs U.S.-Bahamas Calypso Gas Pipeline

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to the $144 million Calypso natural gas pipeline that will be operated by Suez’s Tractebel unit.

The 42-mile long Calypso pipeline would ship 832 million cubic feet of natural gas per day to Florida from a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Freeport, Bahamas.

Hawksbill Creek LNG, Ltd., a Bahamian company, proposes to construct and operate the LNG terminal. The Bahamian government is reviewing the project.

LNG is natural gas cooled to minus 259 degrees Fahrenheit, which changes the gas into a liquid and compresses it for transportation from Algeria, Nigeria and Trinidad. LNG is converted back into dry gas for fueling electricity plants.


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