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Remarks Of MP Brent Symonette At FNM Convention

At the recent FNM Convention, the MP for Montagu, Brent Symonette, referred to a contract for the repair for the South Andros roads. The contract was approved by the former Administration and executed on May 8, 2002; one day after my being sworn in as Minister of Works and Utilities and without my knowledge. The contract was issued to Bahamas Hot Mix Company Limited, of which Brent Symonette and his brother are major shareholders.

Before the May 2, 2002 General Elections it was brought to my attention that Bahamas Hot Mix was not the lowest bidder. Rather the lowest bidder was Bill Simmons Construction and Heavy Equipment Company Limited. The bid was approximately $200,000 lower than Bahamas Hot Mix.

The reasoning advanced by the former Administration to award the contract to Bahamas Hot Mix was flawed and unjustified. A review of the records of the Ministry of Works in fact disclosed that it had recommended that the contract be awarded to Bill Simmons.

I then directed that no payment be made to Bahamas Hot Mix. After several meetings with Bahamas Hot Mix, the company agreed to terminate the contract. The suggestion by Brent Symonette that his company, Bahamas Hot Mix was perceived not to be PLP, being the reason for the termination of the contract is hogwash. The issue was simply that the contract should have been issued to the lowest bidder, Bill Simmons Construction.

The public is reminded that it was because of the disclosure made by me in the honorable House of Assembly, that Brent Symonette was forced to resign as Chairman of the Airport Authority, when it was deemed that he engaged in a corrupt practice by awarding a contract to his company, Bahamas Hot Mix without the approval of the Board of Directors of the Airport Authority. Bill Simmons Construction has agreed to execute fully the contract as per specification without additional cost beyond the contracted sum.

The PLP Government is fully committed to ensuring that there will be no rip-off of the Public Treasury by anyone, whether it be a Symonette or anyone called by any other name. Clearly, Brent Symonette is a brazen man. It would be interesting to see the day when Brent Symonette can exhibit an ounce of honor by being truly concerned about how taxpayer funds are spent, when it doesn’t coincide with his own personal interest or benefit.

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