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Nassau Ranks Lowest In Cruise Satisfaction

Nassau ranks the lowest of all cruise destinations in passenger satisfaction, according to a cruise executive.

Nassau Tourism and development Board (NTDB) executive Frank Comito said a major cruise line that calls in at Nassau has received feedback from some of its passengers.

Mr. Comito, speaking at the introduction of the Downtown Nassau Improvement Initiative, quoted a senior executive of a major cruise line as saying that “the port of Nassau ranks as the lowest in passenger satisfaction surveys against the 11 other ports of call for our ships.”

Mr. Comito also quoted an article that he said appeared in a US newspaper, in which a cruise ship passenger noticed and reported to his cruise line that Nassau was particularly unclean.

The passenger reportedly went on to speculate that, based on what he saw, Nassau might be the origin of the diseases and infections which have recently beset the cruise industry.

According to the NTDB the city of Nassau is at present poorly landscaped, its streets and sidewalks are consistently dirty and the incidence of visual and verbal harassment is far too high. There is also a state of neglect, which according to the task force findings, has led to the deterioration of buildings and infrastructure.

Source: The Tribune

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