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Bishop’s “Gay” Attack

He claimed Canada’s decision to allow men to marry men and and women to marry women was a “plan by the devil to destroy the family.”

Bishop Samual Green, president of The Bahamas Christian Council, launched his attack at the National Church Service to mark the Bahamas’ 30th anniversary of independence.

Prime Minister Perry Christie, Governor General Dame Ivy Dumont and other senior figures were at the Zion Baptist Church on Shirley Street to hear Bishop Green lash out at Canada’s controversial law.

“The day the Bahamas parliament decides that they will do likewise and make a law so that a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman, I will become the first live Guy Fawkes,” he said

But whereas Guy Fawkes failed, he would succeed said Bishop Green.

Guy Fawkes was the gunpowder plotter who tried to blow up the British parliament on November 5, 1605, in a bid to kill King James 1. The scheme was foiled when Guy Fawkes was found in the cellars about to set the fuse.

He and his fellow plotters were hung, drawn and quartered, in a series of public executions in London. Bonfire Night on November 5 still marks the event.

Bishop Green described Canadians as “educated people,” then added: “That law reminds me that there is more to life than education.”

Source: The Tribune

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