Early in the morning, there are people who walk, jog, run, cycle, swim and involve themselves in a variety of sporting activities. Some are out before the sun is out. Later in the day, the next contingent appears to pursue a similar regimen. Elsewhere, the gyms are filled at peak times and the discipline of physical exercise is undertaken with "religious" zeal.
In many places of prayer around the country, the faithful worship in small or large numbers throughout the day. No matter how inclement the weather, there are those who attend with canes and walkers, and this commitment to God is indeed commendable, and is a sad indictment against those who allow their resolve to the dampened by rain. This discipline is a comfortable routine, that has been integrated into their lives; they could not imagine beginning their day any other way.
How many disciplines can one human being juggle at the same time? This is where the matter of priorities begins to emerge. If for some reason there is going to be a clash, how is the structure of a typical day to be re-organized? What do we do when we have to eliminate our children's plans because our employer makes sudden demands that require working overtime? Who is to be the one to exercise the understanding? Does payment always dictate to personal policy?
In a slightly different vein, there is the matter of domestic routines and the imposition of strict rules. The orderly washing of glasses, china, and cutlery, before the pots and pans with appropriate stacking, or drying procedures, is legendary in some homes. While the loading of the dish washer and preparing the items for ritual purification is undertaken in other homes with an exactness that parallels the spiritual.
The making of a bed with hospital corners to keep sheets in place, the proper folding of bathroom towels, the allotted days for chores, systematic watering of house and garden plants, serve as reminders of the way some people were taught to approach disciplined housekeeping.
How well do you perpetuate the rituals inherited, or acquired, on life's journey? Are some neglected for reasons other than laziness? Are some upheld with a devotion to the one who taught them that makes the doing of them a delight? Are others quite meaningless now and speak of a time long past?
When it comes to evaluating how you are to approach your day today, reflect on the disciplines you desire to uphold, and measure your attainment of the prescribed goals as the day proceeds. There is much happiness to be derived from accomplishing the balance or rhythm you seek.
By Rev. Angela Palacious