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SEO Versus Simple Marketing Strategies

By Charlene Rashkow, WebProNews

While there are articles upon articles about search engine placement, key words, meta tags, etc., the real issue is not necessarily in how many hits a web site receives but in how many visitors become clients or customers. Perhaps if you are selling a product and wish to have masses of people coming to your site, quantity is more important than quality. But for many of us the quality of clientele is far more important.

As an example, there are a lot of people on the Internet vying for clients that need a writer. As a Writing Consultant myself, I have never feared my competition primarily because I am interested in quality rather than quantity. I believe that what I offer is somewhat unique to my competitors and therefore attract the person I want.

With that foremost in my mind, I always manage to magnetize the level of entrepreneur that appreciates my gifts and returns time and again. I have found that the best way to market my business is by way of articles. It demonstrates my ability to string words together and immediately shows my level of experience and competence. But this may not work for everyone. Each person must find what works best for them.

Attracting The Right Clients

The idea of making it on the web is attracting and keeping those that want what you have to offer. What is being presented at your site and how you are marketing yourself is what the Internet game is all about. Obviously, even if one does manage to reach the top of a search engine there are no guarantees that you'll stay there and more than likely will be replaced very shortly. Consequently, a site must have something that draws people. It may contain interesting and beneficial information or the product and service are valuable and useful to the visitor. But basically, it's not merely about the traffic that's drawn to a site but whether the site has something appealing, is being marketed effectively, and is attracting the right clientele.

What Can Guarantee Your Online Success?

While the majority of online ventures have very little knowledge in regard to marketing, it may appear that they are limited in their ability to effectively promote a business. Nothing could be further from the truth! Whether you are a small Mom and Pop business or a mid-sized corporation, you can take advantage of many excellent marketing strategies that are not costly. The key though is that you must be willing to explore various methods until the puzzle comes together for your business. Almost invariably, you will find that what works wonderfully today may not work tomorrow. What that means to you and your business is that you have to be open to exploring new means of marketing regularly and it may mean you simply have to rethink your strategy.

What Can You Do?

If by chance your business is not moving in the direction you had hoped, the following few strategies may be a perfect jumping off place for getting things flowing in the right direction.
A) Provide such a great service that everyone wants what you have to offer. If you furnish a product or service that fills a need or want and you do it with class and style, the world will beat a path to your door regardless of your search engine placement.

B) Give something to your potential market that will empower them. By that I mean find a way that helps others reach higher levels of success. Be willing to support your fellow and sister entrepreneurs. The ideal way is to become so experienced in your field of endeavor that everyone reaches out for your assistance. Write about it. Promote it via popular e-zines. Offer information at your site. Write lots of articles. Not only do articles magnetize new clients, but they also demonstrate your desire to support and help others.

C) Network with other entrepreneurs. Stay in touch with people by writing friendly e-mail messages. Stopping by to say hello to previous clients or customers every once in a while clearly demonstrates your interest and your professionalism. Supportive relationships are the best part of maintaining healthy Internet communication.

D) Use the media on a regular basis. If you can't afford to use a large distribution service to send out your release, use the free distribution services found all over the Internet. To get the ball rolling, present it to your local paper or cable channel. Even if you are never invited for an interview by way of a newspaper, TV or a magazine, a press release gives you exposure that is incomparable to other forms of advertising. You'll be amazed at the traffic you attract with one good press release. Sometimes it takes a bit of effort to get noticed but the more often you share your information, the more people will be inclined to check out your site or business.

E) Be bold and a bit daring. Getting noticed means having to step out of your comfort zone. That may be a bit frightening at first especially if you're not used to doing things a little differently, but remember if you keep on doing the same things, you can't get anything different. Pay attention to the things that get your attention. What is appealing to you about a specific ad, web site or article and why did it attract you? That may give you lots of important clues that will help develop your own strategies.

In closing, I want to remind you that it may take several tries before finding the perfect marketing tool for your business, but I encourage you to keep on trying. On a morning when my first article appeared in the WebProNews more than three years ago, my life literally changed. One day hardly anyone knew I existed on the Internet and in a flash, my name was everywhere on the web. When you least expect it, the right visitor can find you and things can move very rapidly. Most importantly, never give up for I can guarantee all your efforts will be worth it in the long run.

Charlene Rashkow, founder of All Your Writing Needs is a regularly featured guest author at the well-known international forum known as WebProNews. Read more from Charlene here:
You can contact Charlene at:

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