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Atlantis Strike Threat

This week’s walkout was only the tip of the iceberg for employees, said hotel union president Pat Bain.

According to Mr. Bain, a combination of concerns and mounting frustration contributed to the walkout of more than100 employees of the world-class resort on Paradise island on Monday.

Mr. Bain said that while the union regrets the action the employees took, those close to the situation cannot pretend to be surprised.

The union has already filed a trade dispute with the Ministry of Labour and he said, a strike vote is next on the agenda.

“While we are cognisant of the state of affairs of the Bahamian economy and the performance of our bread and butter industry in recent times, we are also very much concerned for the well-being of our members, who need a real increase in their earnings. And are not being unreasonable.”

Source: Cara Brennen, The Tribune

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