Mr. Christie and Mrs. Glenys Hanna-Martin are prime targets for the irate drivers, who claim they have been deceived by the PLP government.
Spearheading the demonstration, scheduled for 10am to 1:30pm is Mark Sawyer, whose lone protest in the same square exactly one year ago brought “absolutely no response” from the government, he claims.
“We have been deceived by this government,” said Mr. Sawyer. “A lot of taxi-drivers, many of them PLP’s who voted for Christie in the last election, now want a California-style recall of both the prime minister and the transport minister.”
The PLP manifesto, he said, had listed several points for action relating to taxi-drivers, “but most of it has not been done.”
Mr. Christie’s speech to the party convention was “a bunch of hogwash” according to Mr. Sawyer who is an executive member of the Bahamas Taxicab Union.
Source: The Tribune