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Cruise Ship Industry Leaves Private Sector Behind

The cruise ship industry is reaping all the financial and economic benefits from its trade, leaving the Bahamian private sector and the government with relatively little to show from various agreements with the sector, a well placed source told The Tribune yesterday.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source urged the government to work out what it wanted to gain from negotiations with the cruise ship industry, both in terms of revenues and benefits for the Bahamian people, and recognise this nation had more leverage insuch talks than it previously exploited. The government was also urged to involve the private sector more closely in negotiations.

The industry’s increasing use of private islands was squeezing out Bahamian operators and tour companies, creating little trickle down into the wider economy. Cruise ships were also imposing a further grip through dictating the price at which tour operators sold excursion tickets to them, leaving many businesses at a loss or break-even point.

Although the cruise ship industry was demanding that the Bahamas improve its excursions and attractions, its control was preventing companies from gaining the revenues they needed for capital investment to achieve this, the source said.

The Tribune

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