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Imagine No Fish In The Bahamas

Please allow me a little space to express my feelings on this despicable affair.

– IMAGINE no more Fish Fry at Arawak Cay.

– IMAGINE no more Potters Cay dock vendors.

– IMAGINE no more Montagu ramp vendors (even with the traffic frustration).

– IMAGINE no more Conch Salad vendors in Supermarket parking lots.

– IMAGINE no more traffic jams before Good Friday to get fresh fish.

– IMAGINE no more cook outs to raise funds for medical or educational needs.

– IMAGINE the numbers of persons who rely directly or indirectly on the bounty of our waters for their livelihood. – Imagine a Bahamas without fish. It’s almost impossible to IMAGINE this.

Well, if we allow these folks to fish our waters this is what you will have to imagine.

Some unenlightened people would say, “fish never done”. To those I would simply say ask the Koreans why do they find it necessary to come half way around the world to fish if the “fish never done” in their back yard.

Bahamians, it is time to wake up and realise that every one of us and our children will be affected by this almost unbelievable chain of events.

– IMAGINE, if you will.

By David Lunn, Letter To The Editor

Posted in Headlines

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