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Humane Society Has Designs On responsible Animal Ownership

Entry forms have been sent out to more than 150 schools both in Nassau and the Family Islands.

“We wanted to tie our poster competition in with a public service campaign tahtw e have been running with Island FM for the past year,” said poster competition spokesperson Gillian Watson. “We have been broadcasting seven very important messages on the airwaves of Island FM and we thought it was important to expand to other forms of media.

Twelve of the best poster entries will be transformed into large weatherproof banners that will be displayed throughout Nassau.

“The idea is to get school age children learning about animal issues that affect us,” Mrs Watson said.

There are seven sub-themes in the year’s competition:

1. spay and neuter your pets

2. report acts of animal cruelty to the Bahama Humane Society and the Royal bahamas Police Force

3. Give your dogs monthly heart-worm prevention medication

4. provide a secure fence-in yard for your dogs

5. give all puppies and kittens vaccinations

6. keep your pets free from fleas and ticks

7. adopt an animal from the Humane Society

The poster competition, which the Bahamas Humane Society hopes will become and annual event, is being sponsred by the Cable Cares Foundation. “There will be a cash prize of $500 for the best poster in each of the three age groups,” said Mrs. Watson

Groups have been divided into Junior (4-6); Intermediate (7-9); and Senior (10-12)

Entry forms are available at The Bahamas Humane Society in Chippingham. The competition runs from January 15 to March 31.

For more information call 323-5138 or visit the web site at

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