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Laing Releases Book On Free Trade Agreements

Bahamians have been eager to get more information about the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) and what they will mean for The Bahamas. Now that information is available.

At seven o’clock Tuesday (tonight), Zhivargo Laing, former Minister of Economic Development, will release his latest book, “Who Moved My Conch? Understanding the Implications of Free Trade Agreements for the Bahamian Economy” at the College of The Bahamas auditorium.

Mr. Laing will discuss the present state of free trade efforts in the region.

“Who Moved My Conch?” discusses in plain, practical language how the FTAA, WTO and CSME will affect the products, markets and tax structure of the Bahamian economy. Topics covered in the book include:

* What is free trade and how did it come about?

* What are the pros and cons of free trade?

* What is the FTAA and how will it affect The Bahamas?

* What could replace customs duties if The Bahamas joins the FTAA?

* What will the FTAA mean for Freeport?

* Will the FTAA mean free movement of labour?

* How can businesses prepare for free trade?

* What must the government do?

* What are the WTO and CSME and their implications for the Bahamas?

The book addresses these topics in language that all can understand. Sir William Allen, former Minister of Finance, called the book “Practical…useful reading”.

The Nassau Guardian

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