Keith Thompson, owner and operator of a Bahamian travel website named Bahamas Vacation Guide, has initiated an attack on Bahamas-Travel.Info, a BahamasB2B Network site.
Several months ago BahamasB2B launched a community travel web site in an effort to promote the many Bahamas tourism-oriented web sites that exist.
The new site,, contained content and links salvaged from earlier BahamasB2B pages. It immediately soared to page one of the major search engines, bringing thousands of hits to Bahamian travel sites, along with numerous direct referrals.
Unlike other Bahamian travel websites, offers free listings to all Bahamian tourism companies with direct links to their sites.
That seemingly worried Mr. Thompson as his site charges for listings and delivers no direct hits to his advertiser’s sites.
Mr. Thompson’s Bahamas Vacation Guide charges over $200 for a simple web page on their site. The web site does not offer direct links to other Bahamas vacation resources.
The web site offers the same single page listing for free. They also offer direct links to any legitimate Bahamas tourism website. Expanded listings and paid advertising are also available. All income from advertising is spent on Google ads to bring additional traffic to the advertiser’s sites.
In what appears to be a fit of jealous rage, Mr. Thompson, who is also a Bahamian attorney, has started yet another campaign to smear the character of BahamasB2B and its founders.
Since publishing articles which were critical of the rampant corruption in the Bahamian legal and political arenas, BahamasB2B and its founders have been under almost constant verbal, physical and legal attack.
Mr. Thompson has published falsified material on his website that slanders the BahamasB2B Network. The malicious material indicates a lack of ethics and business morals on Mr. Thompson’s part. It also seems to suggest that Mr. Thompson has become rather desperate in his attempt to thwart the free listings on
Being community-minded and concerned over the damage that the incident might bring to the Bahamas tourism industry, representatives of BahamasB2B have attempted to contact the Bahamas Vacation Guide to clarify or resolve the issue, but Mr. Thompson has refused to respond.
BahamasB2B has indicated that their response to Mr. Thompson’s slanderous activites will be forthcoming, if he does not cease and desist his malicious behaviour.