Saddled for the past two weeks with the problem of bringing closure to a nine-year-old debt, Prime Minister Christie told The Guardian Wednesday that Holy Cross MP Sidney Stubbs should be given the’benefit of the doubt’ until the bankruptcy claim is settled in court.
“It is a matter that is now before the courts and it has to wait. It is always regrettable, I think, that something like this happens in public life,” said Mr. Christie while speaking briefly to the press following the morning proceedings of the House of Assembly.
Mr. Stubbs was declared bankrupt on March 30, after an oredr served on him claimed that a total of $123,000 (inclusive of court costs, attorney fees, and interest on the principal amount) was owed to Gina Gonzalez, the daughter of deceased businessman Cecil Gonzalez.
In recent reports Mr. Stubbs acknowledged the indebtedness, but disagreed with the bankruptcy order.
Source: Tamara McKenzie, The Nassau Guardian