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Cleaning Up Montagu

A solutions to the problems here are long overdue.

But it certainly is a shame that in 2004 the lawmakers will just begin to look into a situation that began developing in 1991 ラ 13 years ago ヨ and has been growing incrementally ever since, through three government changes.

The Montagu Ramp does not need a select committee, to incur expenses to determine what ought to be done, to then report to the House and become engaged in interminable debates. The government is aware of what needs to happen.

There is a simple solution to the chaos and the traffic congestion that occurs daily in that area. The government can decide that the immediate roadway of the ramp needs to be free of fish and vegetable vendors, and that there needs to be a free flow of vehicular traffic at all times and set that train in motion. The town planning engineers and draughtsmen at the Ministry of Works can redesign the area to accommodate the people who buy and sell goods there, and also those who congregate for talk and for recreation.

The government cannot be concerned that people are comfortable with the familiar and are resistant to change ラ regardless that change can be for the better.

There may be vendors who will protest when the talks come to relocation and disrupting their operations. They may even hold placards and march in front of the house of Assembly. However, legislators should not be swayed by these antics because they have to act in the best interest of the majority and for the country generally. The government must do what needs to be done.

The select committee can go through the paces of brainstorming and interviewing different people, but in the end nothing will be done differently.

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Editorial, The Nassau Guardian

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