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Progressive Young Liberals Shamefully Misled By PLP

A most disturbing and unique characteristic of the PLP government is not to have any interest in the truth whatsoever. I have stated on a number of occasions with supporting facts how to tell when a PLP politician is lying (their lips are moving). Having successfully swung the Bahamian public with misrepresentation of the facts and deceit, the PLP are trying to take dishonesty to the next level. This evil practice of dishonesty also appears to have been passed on to the younger generation of PLPs, notably the Progressive Young Liberals.

On April 21st, 2004, the Nassau Guardian featured an article by the PLP entitled “Investing in our infrastructure” that was written by the Progressive Young Liberals. The contents of this article are so misleading and inaccurate that one has to wonder if these Young Liberals have any knowledge of the historical development of the Bahamas. Unfortunately for the Young Liberals, ignorance of the facts is no defense, nor is it any justification for this attempt to misinform the Bahamian Public. Despite their youthfulness and inexperience, they should still be morally and duty bound not to be reckless and irresponsible with the truth.

I am especially sensitive to any discussion on infrastructure development in the Bahamas. You see, ten years of my youth was spent “Behind God’s Back” on the tri-islands of Acklins, Crooked Island and Long Cay. This was that area of the southern Bahamas that was so neglected, ignored and forgotten by the old PLP government, that only the good Lord must have been looking after those islands or knew what was going on. The net result was a massive migration and depopulation of most of the Family Island with the exception of Abaco and Grand Bahama between 1967-92, the period of reign of the old PLP government.

Living without electricity, running water, telephone, paved roads, Cable TV, Internet, etc, I know first hand. I take strong exception to those who try to play politics with basic needs to gain a political advantage. The PLP were famous for this. Promise you the world if you voted right, or hold a promise in front of you like a carrot dangling in front of a donkey.

The PLP claimed that “the FNM grossly neglected ALL of the physical infrastructure of the country, our buildings, ports of entry and roads!” This statement is nothing short of a blatant and outrageous lie that is now the PLP’s trademark. Any honest and decent Bahamian would if asked tell you immediately the atrocious state of infrastructure inherited by the FNM in 1992. The massive redevelopment that followed was described by many as “miraculous”, and was compared to the Marshall Plan to rebuild a post-World War 11 Europe. Yet, the PLP claimed “roads were left in total disrepair after 10 years of FNM government.” Anyone with this opinion must be living on Mars as hundreds of miles of roads the length and breath of the Bahamas was constructed by the FNM. Remember “Rhythm Road” in Long Island? This was the affectionate name given to the main road, Queen’s Highway because of the many potholes. But the FNM government fixed that and Long Island was given a super highway from one end of Long Island to the next. All these rookies wanna-be-politicians had to do was to confirm the facts with one of their own, Mr Basil Neymour, a former PLP candidate whose construction company was contracted to construct scores of miles of new roads and repairs during the reign of the FNM.

The PLP also stated that the FNM failed to address the state 0f our schools. This is pure nonsense. It was a concerned FNM government that made it a policy to rid our public schools of outside toilets. In addition to repairs and expansion of existing schools, a number of new schools were constructed, with state-of-the-art facilities such as libraries and gymnasiums. Even the physical and mentally challenged were not left out as facilities such as the Beacon School was constructed on Grand Bahama. The College of the Bahamas saw expansion and development as facilities such a s the Leon Dupuch Law School opened.

The PLP also claimed that the FNM neglected public buildings! Where were they when clinics, police stations, administrative buildings, etc were being constructed all over the country. Even the new Supreme Court building complex was finally constructed on Grand Bahama. This is the same complex that Sir Jack Hayward claimed that he had given the previous PLP government two million dollars to construct. Where did the money go? Maybe in their next irrational outburst, the PLP can tell the Bahamian public!

However, the greatest contribution to improving the way of life for Bahamians is the development of utilities such as running water, electricity, Cable and the Internet throughout the Bahamas. There was now no limit other than one’s imagination for personal and economical development. Many of the older folks described such progress under the FNM as a miracle and openly thanked the good Lord for letting them see this day of deliverance. This is a far cry from the days of the old PLP government. Remember what happened in Long Cay in the early 1990s when the Development Association provided portable water for Long Cay? One old man, Mr Gray openly wept as he reflected on those long years of “toting” water. Yet, this significant event and goodwill gesture was not appreciated by the PLP government. The PLP MP for the constituency, Dr Franklyn Walkine did not attend the opening and in a press release, he made racist comments with regards to some of those who attended.

The big joke under the old PLP government was that should Christopher Columbus return to the Bahamas, it would have been easy for him to find his way around as many of the Family Islands were in the same condition that it was when Columbus first came to the Bahamas. Thanks to the FNM, all that changed. During the 2000 Xmas season, an emotional caller from Acklins on the Picewell Forbes call in show revealed that for the first time in his life, he had Xmas lights on his Xmas tree. Thanks to the FNM, places like Acklins didn’t meet the new millennium in the dark but on par with the rest of the Bahamas. Despite the FNM’s track record , the PLP are claiming “the FNM did very little to substantively improve the infrastructure of the Bahamas!” Come on now! Why is the PLP deliberately misinforming and misleading the public as to the true state of affairs? With the introduction of local government, the upkeep and maintenance of public buildings, parks, etc has never been more efficient. No longer did the people have to wait for the vindictive or otherwise spiteful PLP MP to come from Nassau before things got done. Furthermore, the FNM had to deal with at least two major catastrophes, notably hurricanes Andrew and Floyd that diverted their attention and resources. So far, the PLP government have not been tested with any such challenges.

Understandably, with the spoils of victory in 2002, the PLP is trying to succeed on the backs of FNM accomplishments. Thanks to the priority the FNM gave infrastructure, the decline in migration out of the Family Islands was either arrested if not turned around. This also provided much needed and future opportunities for other areas of the economy. Even Acklins, the island that so many had given up on, saw a net increase in population of about fifty persons between 1990 and 2000. This clearly demonstrates the that the FNM’s commitment to improving the quality of life for Bahamians.

Finally, its totally amazing the low level the PLP will sink to swing public opinion. To them, the end justifies the means even if it means giving up their integrity. I have always admired our young people who are ambitious and seek to positively impact the affairs of the country. However, it is obvious from this writing that they are being corrupted by the leadership of the PLP to do their dirty work. It’s a complete disgrace that the Progressive Young Liberals are taught dishonesty and outright lying as acceptable.

Dr.Leatendore Percentie,D.D.S

Boston, Massachussetts

May 21st, 2004

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