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US State Dept Demands Boats Be Returned To Koreans

The long-running Korean boats saga came to an end yesterday after intervention by the US State Department.

The Bahamian company which cliamed to own the 15-craft fleet is handing them back to the Korean group that supplied them.

“It’s all over,” said a source close to the situation. “The documents were signed today.”

The State Department representing Korean-Americans, who were among the 23-strong group which supplied the fleet, demanded an end to the deadlock.

According to informed sources, a State Department representative flew into Nassau last week to confer with top government representatives.

“An ultimatum was issued,” one source said. “In effect, the US demanded the return of the boats.”

The matter still hinged on a bill of sale which Netsiwill, the Bahamian company involved in the deal, did not have in its possession.

“Once that was established the whole agreement fell away,” said the source, “because the Koreans had not passed on the final documents.”

The Koreans will now be free to take the boats from the Morgan’s Bluff moorings in Andros where they have been kept for several months.

Source: The Tribune

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