June issue, Budget Travel magazine – As if there werenメt enough reasons to take Friday off. Grand Bahama Island is just 57 miles east of Palm Beach, so flights from Florida to Freeport, its main town, take less than half an hourラand Florida Express ferries from Fort Lauderdale cost $165 round trip. Where the West Indies hug the East Coast, thereメs a long weekend for anyone. Bosses beware.
Beachgoers: On GBIメs tranquil East End, 30 miles east of Freeport, Bishopメs Bonefish Resort offers waterfront suites and 14 miles of sugar-white sand. Itメs a short drive (renting a car is easy at the airport) to never-ending Gold Rock Beachラby far the most beautiful stretch of sand on the island. Low tide unveils a welcome mat of rippled sandy peaks, perfect for seaside strolls. Afterward, head to Freeport for the International Bazaarメs straw market, where ladies sell handmade hats, baskets, and totes for less than $15 an itemラtheyメll even make things to order, on the spot. On Fridays, Le Chicken Shack Garden Bar, a casual hangout nearby, holds its weekly feast of boiled Andros crab, caught off neighboring Andros Island. When the sun goes down, Port Lucayaメs Count Basie Square has steel-drum bands, reggae DJs, and the occasional limbo contest. And donメt forget to order a tropical Bahama Mama at nearby Rumrunners. Anyone who finishes the drink gets to autograph the wall.
Fishers: GBI has long been known as home of モthe boneヤラthe elusive bonefish. Spend a Saturday on the virgin flats searching for a nibble from the wily, silver-skinned fish. Most boats are only big enough for two passengers, so expect an intimate experience. On the lazy West End, 30 miles from the airport, Bootle Bay Fishing Lodgeラwhere legendary Bonefish Foley has hosted Presidents Nixon and Kennedyラrents doubles for $90 and runs half- and full-day fishing excursions. Bootle Bayメs full-day outing ($375) is one of the least expensive on the island. After a day on the flats, treat yourself to some fresh conch fritters and a cold Kalikラthe local brewラjust down the road at the Chickenメs Nest. Bring quarters (both American and Bahamian dollars, always worth the same, are accepted everywhere), since thereメll be plenty of folks to shoot pool with.
Gamblers: Last December, the 19,000-square-foot Isle of Capri Casino at Our Lucayaラacross from its partner hotels, the Westin and the Sheratonラopened in Port Lucaya, a touristy open-air mall where youメll find souvenirs like Androsia batik sarongs, duty-free liquor, and polished conch shells. The Port bustles with shoppers, pub patrons spill onto the walkways, and restaurants serve sweet Caribbean lobster tails (try Fat Manメs Nephew, overlooking colorful Count Basie Square). Donメt expect to mingle with Bahamians over blackjackラitメs illegal for locals to participate in organized gaming. During the summer months, you can stay at the Sheraton for $129ラitメs a five-minute walk to the Capri, so you wonメt need a car.
Nature lovers: At the 40-acre Lucayan National Park, about 25 miles east of Freeport, take a self-guided tour through the well-labeled trails dotted with wild guava, tamarind, towering Caribbean pines, and gumbo-limbo trees. Unique to the preserve are the Lucayan tunnels, the longest surveyed underwater cave system in the world. When theyメre hit by sunlight, the water turns a dizzying blue (sorry, no swimming). At Gold Rock Creek, across the road, Kayak Nature Tours leads six-hour excursions through the mangrove swamps, home to snappers, crabs, and barracuda. The tour includes 90 minutes in a two-person kayak, lunch on Gold Rock Beach, and a nature walk. Spend Sunday bird-watching against a backdrop of waterfalls, flowers, and alligators at the 12-acre Garden of the Groves, seven miles west of Lucayan Park. The Garden exhibits nearly 5,000 varieties of plants, many native to the islands. Understandably, itメs a popular spot for tropical weddings.
Grand Bahama Island
Florida Express 866/313-3779, www.ferrybahamas.com, $165 round trip
Bishopメs Bonefish Resort 242/ 353-4515, www.gbweekly.com/bishopsbonefish, doubles $160
Bootle Bay Fishing Lodge 242/349-4010, www.bootlebay.com, doubles $90
Sheraton at Our Lucaya 800/325-3535, www.ourlucaya.com, doubles $129
- Le Chicken Shack Intl. Bazaar, 242/ 351-2692, crab meal $10
- Rumrunners Port Lucaya, 242/373-7233, Bahama Mama cocktail $4.60
- Chickenメs Nest 242/ 346-6440, four fritters $1
- Fat Manメs Nephew Port Lucaya, 242/ 373-8520, lobster tail $27
Isle of Capri 242/350-2000
Lucayan Natl. Park 242/352-5438, $3
Kayak Nature Tours 866/ 440-4542, www.grandbahamanaturetours.com, $69
Garden of the Groves 242/ 373-5668, $10
By David Lahuta, Budget Travel