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Alliance Investment Management Officials Trying To ‘Expand’ In Offshore Market

In an interview with The Triubne, Leslie Moss, president of Bajamar, said he, along with Bechmark’s president Julian Brown, would begin the process of understanding the economic climate and culture within which these potential clients operate, seeking to gain a clearer picture of the client’s needs.

In a move to expand its position in the offshore market, officials from Alliance Investment Management, a subsidiary of Benchmark (Bahamas), and its consulting arm, Bajamar Consulting Services, announced a fact-finding and introductory tour of the Dominican Republic as they look to make secure inroads into the Latin American welath management marketplace.

The team will also look to share information about Alliance, The Bahamas, its economic and legislative environment, and the benefits that doing business in the country holds for them.

Mr Moss said that, like Bajamar, there are a number of boutique operations in the Bahamas financial services sector popping up, underscoring the fact that bigger is not always better while bringing old-style standars back to the industry.

Source: Yoland Deleveaux, The Tribune

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