He was drugged and bound before receiving a fatal gunshot wound to the head.
One of the latest dogs that became a victim of animal abuse was discovered last week on Eldica Mossᄡs front lawn, near her Moss Gas Company on Gladstone Road.
モThe dog was just shot in the face,メ Ms. Moss told the Bahama Journal. モHis body was dumped on the lawn, just lying partially covered with a raincoat or a piece of blanket.
モI thought it very cruel to shoot a dog in the face. It was not a stray dog because a collar was around his neck, so apparently they must have removed the tag. Some people are so evil and inhumane to do that to a dog.メ
She described the poochᄡs pedigree as a mix between a rottweiler and a German shepherd.
According to Bahamas Humane Society Inspector Percy Grant, cases of animal abuse tend to skyrocket over the summer months, mainly because many children are home with nothing to do.
However, this latest case of animal abuse shocked even him, even though he admits witnessing serious acts of cruelty committed by some Bahamians to their household pets.
Mr. Grant suggested that the matter was one that the police should investigate, as it seemed to be a message or a warning.
However, Ms. Moss said she does not feel that was the case.
Lynn Grattan, a spokesperson for Animals Require Kindness (ARK), said she was not surprised by this latest case of extreme animal abuse.
Typically, ARK spays and neuters dogs, but the organization became involved with trying to prevent animal abuse due to the widespread stray dog population.
モUnfortunately, the mistreatment of animals has been around for a long time,メ Ms. Grattan said. モI have heard cases where a person [hanged] a dog from a basketball net and then burned it. There are also cases where people tie a dog up outside with chains and the chains get tangled around their necks and strangle them.
モA lot of serial killers have started off abusing animals in their childhood then become killers of humans when they get older.メ
The Bahamas Humane Society annually receives an estimated 500 reported cases of animal abuse of different sorts, according to Mr. Grant.
モWe get calls on almost a daily basis with some sort of neglect or some sort of animal abuse ranging from dogs being tied up on a two-foot chain to dogs that someone has severely beaten with a stick to make them bad,メ he said.
モOver the summer sometimes we might receive reports of children in small gangs who would throw a puppy against a wall or throw a puppy into a yard with pit bulls and watch it get killed.メ
Mr. Grant said that most cases of animal abuse involve owners neglecting their pets by refusing to ensure that they have enough food and water and adequate shelter and space to exercise.
Tosheena Robinson-Blair, The Bahama Journal