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Hollywood Reporter To Feature The Bahamas

On October 12, 2004, for the first time in decades, the entertainment industry’s most respected trade paper, The Hollywood Reporter, will publish a special issue dedicated to the islands of the Bahamas. ᅠFrom the air they look like a necklace of 700 uncut gems, carelessly cast upon a multicolored sea. ᅠMany of them have played host to films from “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea to Cocoon (1 and 2), four “Bond” movies, and yet to be released, Brett Ratner’s “After the Sunset,” John Stockwell’s “Into the Blue” and “Three” starring Billy Zane. There is construction going on now on a $75 million film studio and the future is nothing but bullish. ᅠThe Bahamas are hot, hot, hot!

Hollywood Reporter editors will look at the location for present and future filming, financial and other incentives. They will be interviewing filmmakers about their experiences there. Also work and play ideas for cast and crews who come to The Bahamas on a shoot and need plush accommodations to unwind after a hard day of filming. ᅠ

Additionally, Hollywood Reporter editors will cover the upcoming Bahamas International Film Festival scheduled for Dec. 9-12 and will include in this issue a listing of important contacts in the Bahamas for commercial and filmmakers.

The Hollywood Reporter’s 144,000 readers worldwide are network executives, studio heads, producers, directors, and celebrities; one third of whom are millionaires.

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