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Officials Tracking Fishing Infractions

With a number of high-speed chases in Bahamian waters and several arrests over the past few months, fisheries officials are expressing concern that numerous fishermen were harvesting crawfish illegally during the closed season.

The crawfish season opened on August 1.

According to Deputy Director of the Department of Fisheries, Edison Deleveaux, there were 17 arrests during the closed crawfish season between March 31st and July 31st.

In some instances between June and July fishermen were caught with apparatus including spare guns and air compressors, along with fresh crawfish and undersized groupers.

The latest fishing infraction uncovered occurred in Abaco on July 2nd.

Fishery officials received intelligence that fishermen in the area seized 600 pounds of lobster from a mail boat en route to New Providence. ᅠThe matter is still under active investigation. ᅠ

モFrom what weᄡre hearing, the owner and the mate of the mail boat concerned, are stating they donᄡt know who delivered the packages to them. All they know is that they were in receipt of the packages and the packages were earmarked to persons in New Providence,メ said Mr. Deleveaux.

Mr. Deleveaux said fisheries officials are also investigating similar incidents in connection with several businesses in Abaco.

モLaws are in place to maintain the sustainability of the resources and when you break the law you are impacting upon the sustainability. ᅠTherefore you are impacting upon what you could legally have during the open season,メ said Mr. Deleveaux.

He said there are some fishermen who realize itᄡs best to let the crawfish mate to give rise to future generations of the species.

The crawfish season extends until March 31st.

Mr. Deleveaux said during the closed season, Fisheries inspectors were on alert to ensure compliance with regulations. ᅠ

They conducted several patrols with the assistance of Defence and Police Forces, particularly in the northern Bahamas.

In most cases there were two persons arrested, but on June 15th, six men were taken into custody during an arrest in the Bimini area.

He added that on July 4th, two men were arrested with stone crab claws out of season and there was evidence of crawfish being onboard. However none was found.

モWhile chasing the guys, they (reportedly) threw some of the evidence overboard,メ said Mr. Deleveaux.

Additionally, Mr. Deleveaux said during the opening of the crawfish season at August 1st, there are usually a number of persons on pleasure crafts that travel from the US, particularly to the Abacos to fish for crawfish. ᅠ

モDuring the Memorial Day weekend, our emphasis was to deal with what was expected to be an influx of pleasure craft from the United States,メ Mr. Deleveaux stated.

モA lot of these persons are frequent visitors to the country. ᅠIt just so happens that the U.S recreation season opens just two weeks before us, so the recreational fishermen are coming, harvesting and taking crawfish back over,メ he said. ᅠ

He pointed out that during the open season, foreigners are limited to six crawfish per person. ᅠThere is however no limit for locals.

Persons caught in possession of crawfish during the closed season could face a maximum of $3,000 or a year in prison.

The closed season allows the species to breed for four months.

Mr. Deleveaux said: モWe are concerned regarding the trend of persons harvesting lobster out of season because the close season reflects the time when crawfish is the peak time when they are mating and spawning.メ

Hadassah Hall, The Bahama Journal

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