The Progressive Liberal Party is trying to determine exactly who got what from Iranian businessman Mohammed Harajchi, according to a party insider, who indicated that party officials are concerned that the controversy may be far from over.
According to the insider, some PLP officials may have gotten money from Mr. Harajchi during the 2002 election campaign without the knowledge of Prime Minister Perry Christie, who was opposition leader at the time.
In asking those within the partyᄡs ranks to モcome cleanメ, party officials will reportedly be better prepared in formulating their next move as it relates to Mr. Harajchi.
There is general agreement within the party that government and party officials should refrain from continuing to make statements on the matter, which dominated local headlines for nearly two weeks.
Mr. Harajchi, meanwhile, reportedly intends to make more revelations about his contributions to the PLP within the coming days.
There are fears among some in the government that the issue does not appear to be going away anytime soon.
Prime Minister Perry Christie, who is expected to return to the capital tomorrow after a state visit to the Peopleᄡs Republic of China, issued a statement before he left denying that Mr. Harajchi had given his party as much as $10 million, as the permanent resident claimed.
Mr. Christie is expected to hold a press conference upon his return from China in the VIP Lounge of the Nassau International Airport and is likely to field questions from reporters on the Harajchi matter.
Minister of Works and Utilities Bradley Roberts, who responded to Mr. Harajchi via a statement to the media while on vacation in Europe, has promised to have more to say on claims made by Mr. Harajchi that Minister Roberts requested a personal favour from him. The Minister was expected to return to the capital over the weekend.
But on Sunday, Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Raynard Rigby said the matter was essentially now a non-issue.
モWe think the matter has been squarely addressed by the prime minister,メ he told the Bahama Journal. モIᄡve issued two statements on the issue. I donᄡt think there is anything further for us to say at this time.メ
But that could all change if Mr. Harajchi does as he promised and release more information to support his claims against various Ministers of the Government.
The Bahama Journal