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SAVACHEK Harvest Programme Helps Out

A spokesperson for City Markets announced that the Parish of St Gregory’s Anglican Church has redeemed a further 200 SAV.A.CHEK certificates as part of the SAV.A.CHEK ‘Harvest programme.’ The spokesperson explained that the Harvest programme is a further extension of our SAV.A.CHEK Frequent Buyerï¾® programme which rewards customers for their loyal patronage.

With every dollar spent the customer receives a $1 coupon – with $500 worth of coupons the average redemption value to the customer is $1.00 with certain qualifications.

Bruce Souder/ Executive Vice President, commented, “We are extremely happy to offer the various savings aspects of our SAV.A.CHEK programme whether it is for the customer on food or non-food items. So far this year, our customers save over $1million from saving these coupons.” The expansion to the “Harvest programme” allows church and non-governmental organisations to save the coupons and redeem them specifically for groceries to be donated to various programmes ranging from soup kitchens to seasonal food parcel programmes, or just assisting the needy.

City Markets is donating an additional 50 cents per certificate in this programme and wishes to encourage any church, social or NGO to enroll in the programme.

Since the SAV.A.CHEK ‘Harvest programme” was launched, over 1,748 certificates have been redeemed for a total value in groceries of over $2,600. St Gregory’s Anglican Church Prayer Group has just completed its second redemption; and another group redeemed over 750 certificates for a value of $1,125 in groceries.

SAV.A.CHEK coupons may be redeemed at all City Markets as well as John S. George, Sandy’s, John Bull Business Center, Home Fabrics, Godet’s Jewelry, GNC Centers, Epic and Galleria Theatres.

City Markets is part of Bahamas Supermarkets, a public company with substantial Bahamian share ownership.

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