Defiant anti-Bahamas campaigner Harald Fuhrmann has responded to criticism by Trade Minister Leslie Miller by stepping up plans to take his crusade on the road in the United States.
He intends to drive a banner-festooned bus “north and south” in the states to spread his message to potential investors that the Bahamas is corrupt with an anti-foreign mindset.
Leslie Miller yesterday asked that Mr. Fuhrmann desist from degrading the Bahamas and hindering Bahamians in their quest to uplift the less fortunate.
Mr. Fuhrmann, who is campaigning to have European aid diverted away from the Bahamas, has called Mr. Miller a “worldwide travelling parasite”.
The investor sternly criticised Mr. Miller’s attendance at the African, Caribbean and Pacific/European Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly and told senior officials that it was ridiculous to regard the Bahamas as a “least developed country” (LDC).
However, Mr. Miller said that Mr. Fuhrmann is not in tune with the caveats of the ACP-EU.
“He is not correct in saying that I described the Bahamas as an LDC, this is not true. The Bahamas is a developing country and I have said so. The Bahamas is eligible for funding under the ACP agreement,” said Mr. Miller.
Mr. Fuhrmann’s grudge against the Bahamas dates back ten years when he was involved in a legal wrangle. Since then he has accused the Bahamian legal profession of inefficiency, incompetence and corruption.
Source: Rupert Missick, The Tribune