If the concerns of Bozine Town residents are not addressed by the government, specifically by Prime Minister Perry Christie and Attorney General Alfred Sears, some residents say they cannot guarantee that “civil war will not break out in Harrold Road”.
Bozine Town residents are also calling for an audience with the prime minister to address the potentially explosive matter.
Only eight days remain for residents to respond to the demand letter of LANDCO attorneys to purchase the land from the company or face legal action.
The court is being blamed for granting what residents are calling an “apparent unconscionable decision”, by granting the Archer and Cox families a certificate of title. Residents claim that the Harrold Road community has both documentary and possessory title.
Trade Minister Leslie Miller, who is the MP for the area, on Tuesday promised to “raise eternal hell” and stand by his constituents in the land dispute with the local development company.
Source: Felicity Ingraham, The Tribune