Freeport – The South Riding Point oil storgae facility in East Grand Bahama is faced with the arduous task of cleaning up about 400 gallons of oil which spilled from a damaged tank and poured into the the surrounding area during Hurricane Jeanne.
Public analyst Mike Wallace of the Environmental Health Department reported that about 300 to 400 gallons leaked out sometime last week before the storm hit the island on Saturday.
Although the oil spill was initially contained withing the plant’s bund wall, Mr. Wallace said the heavy downpour of rain filled the bund causing the oil and water to overflow into the street and surrounding vegetation outside of the plant.
Mr. Wallace, who visited the area on Monday during an assessment trip to East End, said the oil poses no hazard to the area and would be very difficult to ignite.
“They should have started the recovery of the oil but I got reports from them that the vacuum truck used to suck up the oil was damaged,” he said.
In addition to recovering the oil, Mr. Wallace said the plant would have to also carry out some cosmetic cleaning of the surrounding areas.
Source: Denise Maycock, The Tribune