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Incompetence in Bahamas Hurricane Relief Efforts Affects Victims

When the Tribune reported last week that the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) had not collected hundreds of packages of emergency hurricane supplies from the United States Government, the public was outraged over the apparent negligence and mismanagement. But two days later, Prime Minister Perry Christie said the items had been left uncollected by the Bahamas Red Cross and not NEMA.

Instead of following up on the situation, or ensuring the supplies be immediately distributed, Mr. Christie, never known for his ambition, carelessly and irresponsibly just dismissed it and shifted the blame to the Red Cross.

Now, more than a week after the country’s chief executive exonerated NEMA and blamed the Red Cross, the private organization – that has recently made impassioned pleas for assistance – is silent on the status of the supplies.

When asked on Tuesday to verify the prime minister’s claim, a Red Cross spokesperson who gave her name as Mrs Knowles, said “Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about… those stuff did not belong to us.” She said that Red Cross Secretary General Marina Glinton, relative of disreputable attorney Maurice Glinton, was not available at the time, but would return calls.

But as of Thursday, Mrs Glinton had failed to return calls. A spokesperson said that she had “gone home sick.” On Sept. 7 following Hurricane Frances the secretary general was quoted in a local daily as saying: “We’re going to address the relief issue and we will do our best to bring relief to the victims.”

Also yesterday, attempts to reach the organization’s president, Gerald Sawyer, were unsuccessful and he, too, did not return calls.


“The first shipments were given to the Red Cross for distribution for those in most immediate need,” said U.S. Charge d’ Affaires Robert Witajewski on Thursday. “It’s traditional and it’s customary on the part of the United States Government when there are natural disasters like this, you give them to recognized non-governmental (organizations) like the Red Cross and the Salvation Army because we have found around the world – in different catastrophes like this – that this is the best way to get to people in need fastest.” Boy, was he wrong!

In an interview with The Guardian Thursday, Mr Witajewski said the Embassy was not disappointed over the delay in collecting some supplies as it was understood that “clearly in the wake of the hurricane, there were certain administrative problems. I think were overcome.” Privately, it is understood that the new Ambassador, John Rood, is baffled by the delay in distributing the relief items.

Additional donations from the United Sates were transported to Grand Bahama on U.S. Coast Guard C130 aircraft.

Cleared by Customs

The Tribune reported in its Monday October 4 edition that the relief supplies, that included family hygiene kits, blankets and tarpaulin covering received from the US Agency of National Development before Hurricane Jeanne (Sept. 24) and after Frances (Sept. 3) had been cleared by the Customs Department but left uncollected by NEMA.

Responding to questions raised in The House on Oct. 6 by Opposition Leader in Parliament Alvin Smith, Mr Christie said the Tribune knew that the Red Cross and not NEMA had been given the supplies. The prime minister said, too, that Government could not determine how the Red Cross distributed supplies as it was an autonomous body. Many believed that to be a foolish statement, as it does not solve the problem, it only makes excuses, which Mr. Chrisite is an expert at.

He added that NEMA had offered to assist the Red Cross with transporting the uncollected supplies, but was not given authority.

With no word received from the Red Cross on the status of the hurricane supplies it is still not known whether they remain at Customs awaiting collection or have been distributed to needy victims of the hurricanes.

It is a tragic shame, that, with so many Bahamians in need, the two organisations charged with assisting them are both displaying incompetence and insensitivity.

Source: Nassau Guardian

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