South Ocean Golf & Beach Resort officials are expected to submit a masterplan to the Government by the Thanksgiving Holiday that will outline plans for a $10 million upgrade and repositioning of the 120 room property into a “four-and-a-half star” resort.
The resort hopes this positioning will fill the niche between Kerzner International’s premier five-star property, the One and Only Ocean Club and the more large scale attraction resorts such as Atlantis.
Additional plans for South Ocean include an upgrade to the golf course at a cost of more than $5 million. International design specialists are expected to begin work on the course in a few weeks.
There is also talk of introducing a small gaming facility, along the lines of a European dining and gaming club. The introduction of a casino at South Ocean will, however, take place only after the entire resort has been upgraded and additional rooms added, which are stipulations imposed by government before it considers approval for the activation of the property’s casino license. The opening of the casino is expected to take place by early 2007.
Resort officials have also partnered with Stuart’s Cove, the family-run diving operation, and are hoping to create a stand-out product that will incorpoarte the diving component into the resort’s attractions.