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40,000 Outstanding Warrants In The Bahamas

There are currently 40,000 outstanding criminal warrants in the Bahamas The Tribune has learned.

The Ministry of National Security yesterday acknowledged that police resources are completely “overwhelmed by the number of warrants they have to serve”.

Inspector Derek Burrows, who heads the warrants section of police prosecutions, told The Tribune yesterday that due to a number of factors, including breakdowns in communications resource shortages and lack of public co-operation, he would estimate that there are 40,000 arrest warrants for criminal matters in the Bahamas.

He told The Tribune that only eight officers currently handle the backlog, and that a shortage of vehicles is a major factor.

Filling over four file cabinets in the police prosecution office, the warrants are so numerous that without computerised records, no one is sure exactly how many there are, police officials said yesterday.

Source: Paco Nunez, The Tribune

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